Cara bikin Status facebook Langsung dapat 9000 jempol

Cara bikin Status facebook Langsung dapat 9000 jempol ( this is fake like yo ^_^ )
langsung aja ya omz..
to the proof of concept..

1. login fb.
2. masukin kode dibawah ini di address bar.

copy kode di bawah ini yo :) ){%27media%27:[{%27type%27:%27image%27,%27src%27:%27IMAGE%27,%27href%27:%27http://a/%27}]}&user_message_prompt=::[--%20]::%20&_rdr&action_links=[{%27text%27:%2799.979%20orang%20menyukai%20ini%27,%27href%27:%27http:\/\/}]

3.tekan enter
4.masukin text statusnya di text area.
5.trus klik bagikan di bagian bawah..
6.slesai dah

maaf kalo tutorna cupu,
maklum i'am newbie gan :)

Original post by : marque hard Hvrd